Wisconsin: Variations

1916:     -10- -  -99-, 1000- - 9999-, 10000 on.
1917:     -10- - -999-, 1000- - 9999-, 10000 on.
1918-19:  100- -  999-, 1000 on.
1920:    -100- - -999-, 1000 on.
1921:     -10- -  -99-, 1 0 0 - 9 9 9, 1-000 on.
1922:     -10- -  -99-,  100 - 9999, 10-000 on.
1923:      -1- -   -9-, 1000 - 9999, 10-000 on.

1905-13:  Zinc base (steel 1913), nickel-plated aluminum numbers.
1913:  Some have Schwaab label.
1914:  Type 1 - Close date, bottom slots        1W - 39958W
       Type 2 - Wide date, no bottom slots  40217W - 53095W (12,879)
       4-digits left-justified  1000 W - 4068 W
       4-digits right-justified  6190W -  9999W
1921:  4-5-digits have medium hyphen, 100-000 - 199-999 have long
       dash, 200-000+ have smaller hyphen.
1922-41:  4-digits have no hyphen (except 1933).
1928:  Old prefix dies C233-714, new prefix dies C236-498.
1929:  Old suffix dies 12-248A,  7862 B,  7895 C,  8920 D,  9284 E
       New prefix dies 13-333A, 13-935B, 10-268C, 12-416D, 14-597E
1932:     4-5-digits have no space between digits.
1932-33:  1-3-digits have "WIS" instead of "WISCONSIN".
1933-37:  6-digits have wider "WISCONSIN" than 5-digits.
1934-37:  1-4-digits have "WIS" instead of "WISCONSIN".
1935:     Type 1 - 6-digits 14" long, horizontal dash   1 - 601-433
          Type 2 - 13 5/8" long, vertical hyphen  610-158
1937:     Type 1 - "37'" with short "3"       1 - 708-770
          Type 2 - "3'7" with full "3"  711-851 - 714-171   (2,321 P)
1938-39:  1-4-digits have "WIS 38" instead of "WISCONSIN 1938".
1939:     Type 1 - Short hyphen          10-000 - 703-574
          Type 2 - Tall hyphen          706-359 - 722-459  (16,101 P)
1940:     Type 1 - "WISCONSIN 1940"           1 - 430-350
         (149 - 4878 raised legends, 5122 - on flat legends)
(3/28/40) Type 2 - "WIS/40"             430-351 - 746-545 (316,195 P)
1942:  1 - 9999 have tab holes at right, 10 000 - 771 626 have tab
       holes center.  Slogan has flat-top "A" or pointed "A".
1943 TAB:  Small or large date.
1943-45:  Tab design vertical or horizontal.
1945-46:  Windshield stickers issued for use while new plates delayed.
          In March-August 1946, up to 130,000 stickers may have been issued.

1946-52 BASE
Jan.46    "6 46" Type 1 - Dated, round corners, steel, small prefix
Jan.46    "9 46" Type 2 - As Type 1, but large prefix
Dec.46   "11 47" Type 3 - Undated, round corners, steel, LL hole
                          under "ER" of "AMERICA"
Sep.48    "8 49" Type 4 - As Type 3, but LL hole under 1st "A" of
10/15/50 "10 51" Type 5 - Undated, square corners, new dies, steel
Mar.51    "2 52" Type 6 - As Type 5, but aluminum

1946-49:   Most have diagonal holes at UL and LR, as 1942, but some
           are at LL and UR.
1946:      9- 4310 - 9-65335 have thin "9",
           9-82696 - 9-99417 have thick "9".
1946:      11-    1 - 11-57625 have vertically stacked "11",
           11-61653 on have diagonally stacked "11".
1947:      3-23009 restamped from "9 46".
1952 TAB:  Steel or aluminum.

1953-54:  Type 1 - Aluminum (JAN-APR,DEC only)
          Type 2 - Steel
1955-56:  Type 1 - Steel    (JAN-JUN only)
          Type 2 - Aluminum, 6 1/4" x 13 5/8"
          Type 3 - Aluminum, 6" x 12"
          EK10003, KK10003, LK10001 listed in Wisconsin archive.
1959-60:  LL-9663, PK-7270, VL-6971 normal, "WIS" right of UL slot,
          debossed line;
          LN-1807, PL-5718, VL-7611 - VL-8027 (419 P) have "WIS" in UL
          corner like 1961, no debossed line, bolt slot at LL.
1963-64:  P25-557, X25-755 tab slots; P36-681 - P38-636, X27-062 (1,957 P)
          no tab slots.

1965-67 BASE
Type 1 - Tab slots, short 9 1/4" slogan  A 1 - A34-117
Type 2 - No slots, short 9 1/4" slogan (LL hole in "M") A21-305, A64-953 on
Type 3 - No slots, long 9 5/8" slogan (LL hole in "E")

1968-72 BASE
Jan.67  "JAN 68"  Type 1 - Wide "Y" of slogan
May 71  "APR 72"  Type 2 - Thin "Y" of slogan
A 1 - A49-369, A60-146, UD 8644 slot at UL;
A53-846, A62-670 on, UD 9978 slot at LR

1973-79 BASE
Jan.72  "JAN 73"  Type 1 - Wide "Y" of slogan, normal dies,
Feb.72  "FEB 73"  Type 2 - As Type 1, but thin "Y" of slogan
Oct.72  "SEP 73"  Type 3 - As Type 1, but crude dies
Aug.77  "JUL 78"  Type 4 - As Type 2, but no space between words of
Apr.77  "MAR 78"  Type 5 - As Type 2, but snow-white
May 78  "APR 79"  Type 6 - As Type 1, but snow-white

1980-87 BASE
Jan.79  "JAN 80"  Type 1 - Space between words of slogan,
                           short 9 1/2" or long 9 3/4" slogan
May 80  "APR 81"  Type 2 - No space between words of slogan,
                           medium 9 5/8" slogan
Nov.84  "OCT 85"  Type 3 - As Type 2, but no LR slot
Mar.85  "FEB 86"  Type 4 - Some space between words of slogan,
                      shorter 9 1/4" slogan, no LR slot, new border

1981:  Late stickers have wider date, "WIS" at top, not bottom.

1987-2001 Type 2:  Some have painted back, not unpainted.
                  (white, yellow, orange, pink, dark blue seen)
          Type 3:  TDK 446 has no hyphen, SCA-555, TEE-777 have